Module Four: Golden Conversations Framework

You will learn an essential communication framework, which you can use to structure your conversations with people- on the phone, on video calls or in person.

  1. How to use the golden conversations framework to save yourself time, effort and hassle when dealing with claims and complaints
  2. A 3 step process to make sure you can listen carefully and understand what a person’s  biggest problem is.
  3. A proactive, positive and pragmatic approach for all conversations. 

Step 2: Listen, affirm, prioritise

Once you have asked the open ended question, then you need to stop talking and properly listen.
Make notes of important points, as the person talks, if that helps you to stay focused.
Resist the urge to ask another question. Listen properly.
Part of listening well, may involve affirming the person, if they have been through a challenging experience, or most of the time, are currently experiencing current problems.
Part of listening well, may involve affirming the person, if they have been through a challenging experience, or most of the time, are currently experiencing current problems.
You are affirming the person, showing them that you clearly hear them, you understand that they have a problem and you are there for them.
This is where you can build a strong connection with them by demonstrating empathy and being affirmative.

Use phrases such as:

You can also say parts back to them, to show that you have heard them properly, or to clarify details

You are not trying to express a strong opinion or try to create a solution for them in step 2. You are listening, affirming them and showing them that you care. The final part of step 2 involves getting the other person involved again in the solution that you are going to create for them. 

Despite asking them what their single main problem is, they may well tell you several, so ask them at this point, either what is the most important problem or part of the problem?

Or, get them to rank the problems in order of importance-

  • Short
  • Medium
  • And long term.

Then once you know this information, you can proceed to the final step, creating a solution for them.

By now in the conversation you know exactly what the problem/problems of the person is or are, and they have told you which is most important in terms of value to them.

  • Now you tell them that you are going to start the process of creating a solution for them. 

You can use phrases such as the following:

"Now, here’s what we are going to do for you"

“Now, here’s how we are going to solve this for you”

“Now here’s how we are going to fix this problem for you”

“Now here’s how we are going to create a solution for you…”

  • All of these work well because you are preparing the person for what is going to come next.
  • You then tell them what they can expect from you in the short, medium and long term. 
  • There are several reasons why you do not just give them one thing that you will do for them.

Step 3: Solution with a time frame

Solving a £100 million claim in 10 minutes using the golden conversations 3 step framework

Now, here is a story of where a client of ours has successfully used the golden conversations framework, their role at work to process a £100 million claim in just 10 minutes and create a very happy customer.

  • This client, let’s call him Mohammed, was head of customer services for a big company, which meant that he got a lot of the most challenging conversations!
  • One day, he was passed a call by his team for a woman whose hotel had burned down. It was worth £100 million and she was very upset!
  • Now Mohammed is a terrific professional, so upon picking up the phone, he immediately launched into creating a golden conversation.

Here is a transcript of how the conversation unfolded:

Mohammad: Hi Lisa, it’s Mohammed here, can you help me with something please?

Lisa: Erm, well what is it?

Mohammad: What’s the most important thing that I can help you with?

Lisa: Well, as you know the hotel has burned down and it’s been just awful.

Mohammad: Awww, I’m so sorry to hear that. That must have been so difficult for you.

Lisa: Yes, it’s been a nightmare: I’ve been up all night trying to sort things, talking to the police and so many people have been contacting me. Many of my staff, they keep hassling me wanting to know if all their personal items are going to be covered and they are going to get replacements.

Mohammad: So, are you saying Lisa, that the cover for your people’s valuables and claim for the hotel are the most important things to you right now?

Lisa: Oh yes, they sure are. I mean, there’s so many things… but yes, those two things.

Mohammad: Ok, so if you could order them in terms of the one you want relating with quickest, could you do that?

Lisa: Oh of course! It’s the cover for my staff’s items. I’ve got over 20 members of staff and they’ve all been texting me, ringing me, emailing me non stop for 16 hours.

Mohammad: Ok, so here’s what I’m going to do to create a solution for you today. In the short term, we can process and approve cover for your staff’s items by the end of this week.

Lisa: You, can, really?

Mohammad: Sure. In the medium term, it’s going to take us 2-3 months to process your claim for the hotel, are you happy with that??

Lisa: Yes yes, fine. As long as you can sort my staff’s items cover?

Mohammad: Yes, we can. And in the long term, for the rebuild of the hotel, you are looking at 2 years. Are you happy with that?

Lisa: ….yes, that seems fine. As long as you can-

Mohammad: Yes, we can have the item cover sorted by the end of the week. I’m writing a note on the file, so the team knows the time frames we have agreed to here, to make sure they stick to them.

Lisa: Thank you so much Mohammed, I don’t know what to say.

Mohammad: You’re welcome, you’ll hear from my team in the next couple of days. Goodbye.

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