Some key points toward delivering an effective synopsis:
Key Point #1
When giving a synopsis of something, you are deliberately only giving the most important information to a person.
Key Point #2
It is a difficult skill, as it requires you in your mind to analyse lots of information and facts that you will know about a topic, and then evaluate what is most important, based on whom you are talking to.
Key Point #3
It is a skill that many find difficult at first, but with practise you really can become exceptional at it.
Key Point #4
And you will be known not only as someone who demonstrates great knowledge of a topic, but more importantly, can give people just the right information, in a very small package of a single sentence.
Regulation 2(1): What is a Commercial Agent?
3. Note that the agent may be a sales or a purchasing agent so do not fall into the trap of believing that commercial agents are only those who sell goods on your behalf.
Regulation 2(1): What is a Commercial Agent?
4. The Regulations will only apply where the agent is connected with goods and therefore activity connected with the sale or purchase of services falls outside of the remit.
Regulation 2(1): What is a Commercial Agent?
5. Finally, note that as referred to earlier, the sale or purchase of the goods is on behalf of and in the name of the principal and therefore the agent does not make the sale in its own name or right.
User Activity
Let’s play a game to practise
Level 1- go through pics on screen, match to synopsis descriptions. 1 min.
Level 2- go through pics- write as many synopsis as you can. 1 min.
Level 3- write a synopsis for these 3 things. Then ask a friend if they can guess what they are, based on your synopsis of them:
A school
Covid 19
Focus on giving the person just the most important information that they need- eg for an alarm clock, it is that it wakes you up, not what colour it is or what it is made out of.
So when can you use a synopsis?
Here are some verbal cues to watch out for, which show that the person you are talking to needs giving a synopsis.
Just give it to me in a nutshell
I’m a bit confused
This doesn’t make sense to me
Can you explain it again?
I don’t get you
And here are some clues to watch out for, that will tell you if they need more information.
Can you tell me more please
So how does that affect/relate to?…
Can I have some more information please?
The final knowledge test to follow contains a number of questions to provide you with an opportunity to solidify and retain the information from this course.
To access the final test, click the Exceptional Communication Skills: Final Test tab underneath the “Module Content” tab below.
Thereafter, on the next page – click the “Start Test” button to begin.
After answering each question proceed through the remaining questions by selecting the “next” button at the bottom right of each set of answers: